Thursday, April 6, 2017

The One With The Lost And Found Wallet

Alas, I'm back to getting some decent sleep. Sort of. It was hard to be so nonchalant about losing my wallet. Got to the point whereby it was consuming me, making it virtually impossible to concentrate on anything for a long time. I'd be having fun climbing and all of the sudden my mind drifts off to the missing wallet. Just when I was closer to coming terms with it, some kind soul turned it in to the police. 

So, thank you kind soul for handing it to the police. Taking the time and effort to make a police report. Ffs, it's such a pain in the god damn ass. Shan't complain because I got my wallet back. & to the person who took most of my money; I hope you're as happy spending the money as I was finding my wallet. The least I'd do is to hope that the money went to a better cause.

Faith in humanity restored. Somehow. Some way or another. 

Yay to not having to re-do my IC and driver's license and I got my student card back (':


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